These AutoHotkey designed scripts and hotkeys assist with osrs keyboard + mouse simulation.
Pixel picking bots are better at being undetectable.
These advanced detection of colors, script logic and randomization help reduce ban risks without injection or reflection methods. Some of which includes break handling and randomized mouse movements as anti-ban.
Every script has an easy to understand correlated instructions page.
Scripts for BlueStacks
- Multiple glassblowing
- Multiple nightmare zone
- Iron and willow power
- Mithril+ blast furnace
- Bow fletching
- Stringing
- Superheating
- Herb cleansing
- Wine fermenter
- High level alchemy
- Multiple agility courses
- Uncut gems
- Thievery stalls
- Multiple splashing
Scripts for Runelite
- Auto slayer kills and loots any designated creature.
- Nightmare zone w/protection prayer support.
- Nightmare zone w/absorption support.
- Kill sand crabs with reset support.
- Multiple alchemy and splashing
- Lunar Spells
- Jewelry
- Super heating
- Fletching bows
- Stringing
- Arrows & shafts
- Darts & bolts
- Nature chest
- Ardougne knights
- Stalls
- Master farmer, men and warriors
- Barb fly fishing
- Barbarian style
- Sacred Eel
- Minnow
- Aerial
- Varrock
- Seers
- Canafis
- Edge cannonballs
- Coal bag blast furnace gold bars and mithril.
- Procure or complete potions
- Speedy herb cleanings.
- Iron miner.
- Tree chopper.
- Any raw fish.
- Karambwans.
- Hosidius house.
- Wine fermenter.
- Numerous glassblowing scripts
- Uncut gems
- Dragon hides
- Chins
- Butterflies
- Mahogany and carved oak tables.
- Fire and lava Runes
You assign your own hotkeys to each. When finished your backpack will open and your mouse position will return.
These are to assist manual play such as bossing, raids, slayer and player vs player while using runelite.
Single prayer hotkeys:
- Piety
- Rigour
- Augury
- Melee protection
- Magic protection
- Range protection
- Hawk Eye
- Mystic Lore
- Ultimate Strength
- Protect Item
- Eagle Eye
- Mystic Might
Dual prayer hotkeys:
- Magic + Augury
- Magic + Rigour
- Range + Augury
- Range + Rigour
Assisted hotkeys:
- Triple Eat
- Alter Bones
- 1 Tick Prayer Flick
- Special Attack
- Granite maul dual spec
- Claws, Gmaul and Obby Maul
- Discard last 26 or 28 items from backpack
- Gear Swap:
Magic hotkeys:
- Barrage
- Vengeance